Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Question: How do you feel about having autism/being autistic?

Honestly, that is a pretty complicated question to answer because some days I enjoy having it, some days I don't really care, and other days I wish I never had it. First, I would like to talk about when I wish I never had it. The times that I absolutely wish that I never had it are when I am in a social setting and I just may say or do the wrong thing sometimes and when I'm on Facebook, people would block me because apparently I am a nuisance to them, and there are many other examples too. Also, I would like to talk about when I actually love being Asperger's/autistic. The times that I actually love it are when I am in class, I am just naturally able to process certain details that neurotypical people cannot process or at least have great difficulty processing. Basically, there are benefits and downfalls to having Asperger's or autism.

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